ENT and Audiology Service details:
ENT patients -The service is run by ENT GPwSIs with the support of ENT specialists offering a comprehensive general outpatient service for routine and urgent ENT referrals. Nurse Practitioner Aural Care Clinics are also offered. The ENT services offered include aural care, assessment and management of otitis externa and discharging ears, tinnitus, hearing loss and vertigo. A CT scanning service is also available for ENT patients.
Also offered are assessment and management of nasal obstruction, sinusitis, rhinitis, routine epistaxsis, and nasal polyps. Routine benign throat symptoms can also be assessed; however patients whose symptoms are consistent with two week wait cancer referrals are not seen and should be referred through established pathways. Patients are seen by the GPwSIs, the ENT specialists or the ENT Consultant following triage. Having been assessed, most patients are managed in house.
Any patients identified as requiring surgery or specialist opinion are referred onwards through defined referral pathways. The service also has access to sleep clinic referral, speech therapy, hearing therapy and audiology services
GP direct access referrals to diagnostic services
MRI scans are provided under GP direct access arrangements from an InHealth Mobile Unit located at either the Adelaide Medical Centre or within the grounds of the Royal Southampton Hospital.
Ultrasound, DXA, X-Ray and echocardiography are carried out within treatment rooms at the Adelaide Medical Centre, the Royal Southampton Hospital or the Weston Centre for Healthy Living (please note, not all diagnostic services are offered at all locations - please call us for more information).
For all diagnostic services, patients are contacted within 72 hours of our receiving the referral form and are offered a choice of appointment.